Looking for a name for your newborn boy or girl?
This is a very important decision to make.
There are lots of considerations when youre deciding on a name, such as appeasing relatives, avoiding embarrassing initials or nicknames, and steering clear of monikers associated with bad memories.
Many parents choose to name their babies after a grandparent, other relative, or close friend. This option can provide you with a good pool of names to consider. Your religious preference may steer you toward a certain category of names. Or perhaps your family has a tradition of naming first-born sons after their fathers.
Do you know what are the most popular names in the world?
In our Top Names app you can learn about Top 10 boys and girls names in 120 countries around the world.
* See the meaning of each name and find more countries where it is also popular.
* Choose and store your favorite names for future review.
* Choose country from the list that can be sorted by country name or nearest to your location.
* Browse different spellings of the same name:
Name Alexander for example can have different variants and spellings in different countries and languages like Alexandre, Aleksanteri, Aleksandur, Aleksander, Alejandro, Iskandar, Alexandrus, Lixandru, Alecsander, Eskender and others.
Hope it will help you to find a right name for your baby.